Friday, March 9, 2012

America's Problems

This particular blog has some deep meaning to some people. Being American is being diverse and most people are fine with that very fact. He claims there is certain Americans of European descent who aren’t as comfortable with the diverse cultures of their country. People should realize that although America started with Europeans, it doesn’t really matter what “race” you are. He goes on about not thinking Obama would’ve won the presidency, as he also said he didn’t think America was ready for a black President. I agree that most people would think America wasn’t ready for a black President. I think that African Americans have much of a right to this country as any other ethnicity. If we remember how we came to be in this country, people should then stop being naive about our races and cultures. I agree with most of the things this blogger says, except for the fact he uses “their people”, referring to African Americans. I think it is very incorrect to use that term. I think people shouldn’t act like whites can only run America. All ethnicities of American descent are American; therefore we all should be equal. This idea is still taking time to be set in America, and it has be preached for many years. This showed me some insight on how people think still, and it’s a bit disappointing.

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