This is an article about how we “accidently” burned some Korans during a library clean up. We claimed it was a mistake but who knows if
its true. This article proves some valuable points about how we handled things
in Afghanistan. We have done this to ourselves, burning what means a lot of
importance to their culture. I agree with this writer in the fact of their
anger being understandable. People must know, Afghans hold different values
then us Americans, therefore becoming more violent then how we handle things.
If someone burned our flag, we feel disappointed, not violent usually. The Koran
is the key of their religion, life, and culture. What our military has done is
unacceptable, and should carry more intel about the Koran, so “accidents” don’t
happen. We therefore let harm upon our soldiers, laying death to two. I don’t think
people will ever respect other cultures/religions in our country. We need to
take things accountable and not make silly “mistakes.” If we will ever be
considered a great country, it would be first to not make dumb mistakes and
upsetting foreign countries. I think this author proves the point in how we
handled this situation a little wrong. We need to be accountable for our
people, and our military forces should know better than to burn a Koran knowing
its consequences. I don’t think it was an accident, we don’t send undereducated
military forces to burn stuff in a library. Maybe it was an accident, but a
dumb one at that.
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